All exercises tone your body but there are a few that have numerous other health benefits as well. Squats are considered one such exercise — they are known to give you a strong lower body and also improve your flexibility, lubricate knee joints and increase the level of the good hormones in your body.
Remember if you are over 30 years old, you will continue to lose muscle mass every year. This is called sarcopenia. Even if your legs are strong now, they will grow weaker year by year unless you do something to counter it.
They are the best exercise if you want toned thighs, legs, butt and core.
Benefits of squats if done correctly.
Say bye bye cellulite - The stretching and enhanced circulation helps to get rid of unwanted cellulite
Say bye bye to fat too - The next point on our list of benefits of squats is quite simple. Muscle burns fat. More muscle burns more fat. As well as toning muscles, squats help you to lose weight. Therefore, the squat is a highly effective way to burn more calories during rest. If you want to get lean, do squats.
Helps better digestion - A full squat helps to compress the lower abs with thighs and creates a wave of pressure on the internal organs in the abdomen. The exercise helps to improves digestion, elimination and eases bowel movements.
Strengthen core muscles - If you do them right, squats actually help contract the core, namely the abdominal area. Furthermore, studies have concluded that these contractions are more intense than the traditional crunch exercise. So if you want stronger, tighter abs, be sure to squat.
Easy on your back - Squats are considered to be a low impact exercise and while other exercises could end up straining your knees, back and your ankles, this does not put much pressure on these areas. So, if you have a lot of back problems, free-hand squats are useful.
Strengthen knees and joints - Squats help keep your knees by improving your flexibility and preventing injury. The bending and stretching of your knees will strengthen your knee muscles and allow more oxygen and blood to flow around the joints, thus helping to keep them supple and strong.
Perfects posture - Squats are a great way to build better balance and improve your posture. The balance that you need to do them will help you sit, stand, walk tall and straight, and they will strengthen your back muscles in the process.
You don't need any equipment or a lot of space
There are many variations to squats, here are some.
Classic squats - First, stand tall with your feet spread shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs and lower your hips toward the floor, making sure to not let your knees collapse inward while you're doing so. Return to stand while squeezing your glutes. That's one rep.
Barbell squats - Stand with your feet more than shoulder-width apart - this wide stance will allow a deeper squat, getting your glutes and hamstrings involved.Hold a barbell across your upper back with an overhand grip – avoid resting it on your neck. Hug the bar into your traps to engage your upper back muscles. Take the weight of the bar and slowly squat down – head up, back straight, buns out. Lower yourself until your hips are aligned with your knees, with legs at 90 degrees – a deeper squat will be more beneficial but get the strength and flexibility first. Drive your heels into the floor to push yourself explosively back up. Keep form until you’re stood up straight.
See my video demonstration here -