Berry-burst chia seeds and oats pudding with sugarless raspberry compote can be a very useful addition to your meals. This is low in calories, dairy-free and high-fibre meal.
It's yummy and full of nutrition and bone health goodness. It is the Chia seeds, which contribute to the high calcium content in this recipe, which gram per gram is higher than most dairy products. So, if you have opted for a dairy-free lifestyle for allergies, skin concerns, beliefs or health reasons and are worried about making sure you are getting sufficient calcium, chia seeds are a good inclusion to make in your diet.
If chia seeds are not readily available in your region or country you can also substitute them with basil seeds, also known as sabja or tukmaria seeds which have similar nutritional profile to that of chia seeds.
The other minerals that chia seeds are rich in includes- phosphorus, manganese, iron and magnesium. They also help with managing weight due to their high dietary fibre content which contributes to the feeling of satiety. Like oats they are also a good source of protein. With relation to people suffering with hypertension they provide a good measure to control the blood pressure. Chia seeds, also help in lowering blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels.
The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds cannot be properly utilised by our body and there is not many science based evidence that chia seeds helps with weight loss.
I have included a yummy recipe using chia seeds which can be enjoyed by adults and kids at the same time. This is great for breakfast and can also be eaten as a dessert by using same ingredients or changing them as per your preferences. Options for dessert include dark chocolate, agave nectar etc.
I tried the Berry-burst Chia Oats pudding.
It was wonderful.
Thank You 😊😊